Sasha Nero - Black & Beautiful

Hi everyone....Meet Sasha Nero!! Sasha is a very happy and free-spirit sim!!. 
At the age of 22, Sasha is in a rut about her life. She is confused about her sexuality 
but also she is scared about opening up to her parents about it. Sasha and her mother, Cynthia have never gotten along ever since she found out about her affair with a work colleague 4 years ago. Cynthia was a Receptionist for SimGo & Co but is now a stay at home mum. Her father, Michael is a Physiology University Lecturer. 
Sasha adores her fathers love for her mother to take her back after the affair. Sasha has a younger sister called Latisha and an older brother called Owen, Sasha is closer to Owen than Latisha. She wants to be free and explore her life but she wants to let her parents understand her life first. Sasha loves reading books and has always been the brains of the family. I hope you all love her and feel free to check out her Create A Sim and my other videos
Thank you for stopping by & Happy Simming!!

Game Requirements: 
Sims 4 Base Game

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